WEPIR 2019
17 December 2018Second Annual Workshop on the Evaluation of Personalisation in Information Retrieval
Glasgow, Scotland, UK – March 14, 2019
To be held in conjunction with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR 2019, March 10-14, 2019 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
The purpose of the WEPIR workshop series is to bring together researchers from different backgrounds, interested in advancing the evaluation of personalisation in information retrieval. The workshop focus is on the development of a common understanding of the challenges, requirements and practical limitations of meaningful evaluation of personalisation in information retrieval. The planned outcome of the workshop is the proposal of methodologies to support evaluation of personalised information retrieval from both the perspectives of the user experience in interactive search settings, and of user models for personalised information retrieval and their algorithmic incorporation in the search process.
Slides. Click here to download the presentation slides of the Workshop.