15 March 2019On this page, it is possible to download the PDF files of the articles presented at WEPIR 2019 and the corresponding slides.
Keynote Talk
- Professor Ian Ruthven, University of Strathclyde: Resonance and the Experience of Relevance [Slides]
- Maram Barifa & Monica Landoni: Interactive Search Profiles as a Means of Personalization [Paper][Slides]
- Zehua Yang, Yusuke Yamamoto,
Takehiro Yamamoto, Noriko Kando & Hiroaki Ohshima: Finding the connection between artifact and personal knowledge of museum visitor [Paper][Slides] - Stefanie Elbeshausen, Thomas Mandl & Christa
Womser -Hacker: Personalization through search roles in collaborative search scenarios [Paper][Slides] - Esben Sørig, Nicolas Collignon, Rebecca Fiebrink & Noriko Kando: Evaluation of rich and explicit feedback for exploratory search [Paper][Slides]
- Frances Johnson: Evaluating
personalised information retrieval: a perception of trust [Paper][Slides]